Support & Help

You’re not alone on your FIRE journey!

FIREwalking can be a lonely journey.

But you are absolutely, positively, 100% not alone!

Facebook Group

The largest landlord & property manager group on Facebook.

And while size matters, it also features extremely high engagement. You’ll get answers to your questions from thousands of fellow real estate investors and landlords across the world.

We’re in there too, and answer as many questions as we can. You’ll get excellent answers here!

Weekly Facebook Live Access

You can also ask Deni and Brian questions live every Tuesday from SparkRental’s Facebook page!

We get online and speak live about a given real estate investing, landlording, or personal finance topic. But you can ask us anything, not just whatever topic we’re speaking about that day.

Looking forward to hearing from you in real time!

Legal Questions

Have questions that only an attorney can answer? We get it – attorneys are really expensive. And sometimes you just have one or two quick questions that you need sound answers on.

Ask legal questions through our portal to JustAnswers’ attorney network, get answers from real live real estate attorneys, and if you’re satisfied with the answer, you can pay the fee. Fees range from $15-90, depending on the complexity of the question. If you don’t like the answer, you don’t have to pay a cent.

So go ahead, ask away. It’s like a legal oracle!

Or Contact Us Any Time!

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